Jacquie et Michel

The site of amateur contributions which made the fame of Jacquie et Michel. Created in 1999, the site is full of thousands of porn contributions by men and women. Every day, dozens of new videos and photos are published. The content is real and exclusive. It is made of people passionate about their bodies and nudity. We see them in very sensual and often very explicit postures. The videos are short but they illustrate the desire and fervor of the members of this community. The site offers free adult content after having justified its majority. To unlock features such as chat, messaging, badges ... you must subscribe. Generally speaking, J&M.net is THE French reference for amateur porn. There is no deception on the goods. The people who show up are real and authentic. The photo galleries propose series on a particular theme each time. The site sometimes displays the faces of the protagonists but not all the time. We understand then that the site is serious and respects the anonymity of the contributors if they ask for it.
The My18pass system is used to protect children from pornographic content, as on the whole Jacquie et Michel network.
Everything is free to create an account and view the contributions. You can unlock some features of the site to interact with your community, to offer gifts, to chat, to access the advanced search...
The offers are not very clear and difficult to find. The prices vary between 30 and 60 euros per month for the different packages. But, you can be tempted by the trial offer at 2 euros for 24 hours which unlocks all the options.
There is a real community around this site. There are profiles that have been active for years. There is really a relationship of trust between the contributors and the porn photos platform. The moderation system is very efficient and the anonymity of the people is preserved at their request.
Finally, there is a very strong animation of the site with regular challenges to win prizes for the winners.
Domain: https://www.jacquieetmichel.net
Last modification date: 12-04-2024
📈 Number of clicks to the site: 1547