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Number of completed surveys per day
Counts all surveys that went to completion per day for a total of 39184.
Pornator reliability rate
This rate is based only on the questionnaires whose result has been qualified (a question is asked at the end of the questionnaire on the proposal screen of the ideal site). Therefore, it does not apply to all the questionnaires carried out.
The rate is calculated according to the ratio nb of positively qualified results / (sum of the positively or negatively qualified results):
- Positively qualified results: means that the result satisfies the visitor.
- Negatively qualified results: means that the result does not satisfy the visitor.
Top 10 breakdown of gross results by site
Here is a breakdown of 10 best results (qualified and unqualified). This means that the data takes into account all the votes and not only the results that have been approved by the users.
Ranking of the most visited sites since the Pornator
This graph shows the number of sites that have been visited, by clicking from the Pornator. There is no time scale so the click volumes are complete.
Ranking of the most visited models fan pages since the Pornator
This graph shows the number of visitors who clicked on a model profile from the Pornator. There is no time scale so the click volumes are complete.
IA porn pictures qualification
Each visitor can qualify the AI porn images found on The Pornator. We can say that the image is either funny, sexy or scary. Here is a distribution of these 3 qualifications on the whole of the collected opinions.
Number of qualified unique AI porn pictures: 8318 / 8816, soit 94.35%Total number of votes: 335786
- 😍 Sexy : 221946 (66.1%)
- 😆 Funny : 36597 (10.9%)
- 😱 Scary : 77243 (23%)
Number of "AI ou Not AI" quiz per day
Counts all quiz per day for a total of 23102. AI or not AI game
Number of AI images with updated tags
Every Pornator visitor can edit and modify the categories of AI-generated porn images. The aim of this graphiquie is to show the number of contributions per day. The total number of contributions is: 1144
Ranking of the most visited porn video channels since the Pornator
This graph shows the number of videos that have been visited by clicking from the Pornator aggregator. There is no time scale, so the click volumes are complete.
Total number of videos clicks: 51877
Porn video rates
Each visitor can vote for a clicked porn video. Either he likes (👍), or dislikes (👎). Here is the distribution of these 2 qualifications on the whole of the opinions collected on the whole.
Number of unique qualified porn videos: 3259 / 41869, soit 7.78%Total number of rates: 6414
- 👍 I like : 3224 (50.27%)
- 👎 I dislike : 3190 (49.73%)