The professor's seduction

In addition to the usual university responsibilities, Professor Sarah was highly skilled in the seduction techniques. She had perfected the art of seducing any student who crossed her path, regardless of their age or gender. Her favorite pastime was spending time with her students, stimulating their minds and satisfying their sexual desires.
One day, as Professor Sarah's spell over the students was at its zenith, a new student entered the classroom. He was a shy young man, and the other students immediately began to show off, hoping to catch the professor's eye by acting more experienced and sexier. However, the new student remained unnoticed, focusing on his studies. As class began, the rhythm of study was broken by Captain Smith, dashing through the door with his gun drawn. The students were taken aback but quickly jumped to the windows and climbed down. As Captain Smith insisted on a chase, Professor Sarah, still completely naked, took the opportunity to slide the window open and escape.
Wanted by the captain and jobless, she hid in a dirty little roundhouse in the woods. There was another traveler there, a young man, who was also surprised to see her. Seeing her starved and helpless, he grabbed her and brought her back to the roundhouse, where he stripped her and dragged her into his warm bed. After the first night of love, Professor Sarah achieved the protein she required for the day, and the young man turned into her lover. Together, they explored the depths of passion, touching and caressing each other until they could not stop.
Weeks went by, and they lived their lives in the roundhouse. But Captain Smith was on their trail, chasing them with a vengeance. Ultimately, they were discovered in the roundhouse by Captain Smith, who was enraged at their lack of manners in the woods. Tucked behind a bush and up above stairs, the pair witnessed the most violent encounter that even an angry fisherman could unleash. Captain Smith commenced a loud and forceful argument, using his gun in his fist for emphasis, and demanding that the pair work for him. With no other option, Professor Sarah agreed.
Unbeknownst to Captain Smith, the pair spent many happy days working at his tool stall. They continued to find release in one another and invented thousands of distracting excuses to spend time next to each other, touching and stroking whenever they could. Dreading the first encounter with leather and rope, suddenly a band of pirates landed with their boat inside the mist. Captain Smith was like a frightened rabbit nailed to a wall that he had made himself. But there were only two of the pirates. The bold pirate captain then detained Captain Smith, knelt loyally at his feet, and disarmed and searched him. Captain Smith allowed it without any recourse and contributed to the prize money with grace. The pirate captain ordered a tongue-in-cheek Captain Smith to help him aboard the ship and take his place as the new pirate captain of the little band, while the pirates disappeared into the dark.
Suddenly Professor Sarah noticed that Captain Smith was not alone. Instead of seven pirates, there were only a few, and some of them were women dressed as men. Captain Smith relayed his orders to bring them a girl at their next stop, so one of the woman-masks ordered Professor Sarah out of her clothes to be sized up before departing for her private compartment for the night under the watchful eye of one of the "men." "That was quite the performance, Captain. I hope to see you again sometime soon." "I think I'll be around for a while longer. I like my job." With a laugh, he urges you to lay down again as he once more swings into life and sends their little craft flying through the waves.
Professor Sarah ascended again on the worn-out stairs but stopped at the landing. Instead, she climbed across the boxes and barrels of fried hake, picking up a few fragrant rigging ropes along the way. She found herself at the rail, where she gazed out at the water, her skin a little misted and her back a little damp. She sat on the deck railing in the twilight, her breasts pressing through the dirty shirt. Her panties were around her ankles, and her skirt was pulled passionately up to her waist. She was lifted, legs spread wide, and she panted and sang a love song to the sea. Starbursts of light reflected in her lit eyes and her pussy opened like dancing flowers as the ship rushed through the waves, uncaring of the danger of the masthead cracking. She leapt nimbly, making only a small splash in the sea as they headed out to the open water of the Seven Seas.
The next morning, the ship docked at a small island, a colonial outpost occupied by English pirates. They tied up Rising Sun back to let the sky become the watery mirror of the island - almost cuts of mountains. Between the waves and the sky lay the island in all its beauty. Three friends looked at each other clearly, and the ship began to unload its cargo slowly and with a satisfying sound. Professor Sarah stood naked on the deck, watched by the sailors. Outside the island, there was an echoing grinding through the water as the ship gently slid against the leg of the wharf, and the stand anchored itself along with the rope wrapped around a heavy spokeman. The ship's crew then quietly untied the ropes that held the ship tightly against the pier and rowed them safely to the rocky beach. The lifeboat safely took on every wave, and most of the timber was taken aboard. After dark, they walked along the wooden wall which separated the wharf and the city. The hardwood walkway was firmly on the sea, and from the stern of the ship, it glistened as waves broke over it, briefly interrupted by the passing of piles of ships.